In November we had our first Student Art Show at the Learning Foundation and Performing Arts Charter School, where I work as their art teacher/ bus driver. I teach an elective class of Junior High and High School Students and I do special projects with the 4th - 6th graders. It's a relatively small school being K-12 and only about 300 students. So, as a result, we decided to include the whole school in the art show. Any student who wanted to enter a piece could. We had just over 200 entries. Not bad! We also had a viewers choice award contest so the students could have the chance to win prizes and, we had a silent auction. The silent auction was designed as a fundraiser for the art department as we get very little from the school for the art classes. We were a little nervous at how well the show would go since it was the first one we had ever had but, it was quite well received. We had a lot of people come and awesome support when it came to the silent auction. All the pieces that were up for auction were sold! Yay! We are looking forward to doing another Art Show this spring as well and making it even better than the last one!