Monday, February 18, 2013


Needing a break from oil painting I decided to take my ballerinas into the realm of watercolor and drawing. I can defiantly complete the piece much faster but I'm not sure that it ended as fulfilling. I have one more of these drawings/watercolor pieces that I'm going to finish and then I think I will go back to oil painting.


  1. Do you have a model for your ballerinas, or do you just make them up?

    I like the picture, by the way.

    1. I wish I could just make them up. Some of them have been from pictures I have used as references and others have been of pictures I have taken primarily of A.J's sister Adrienne.

  2. This is fun, but I think you are right. I like the oil paintings better. The colors are much more satisfying when done in oil, especially with this type of picture.

    1. Yeah, that's how I felt too. There are things I like about this. I really like the things that water color can do but it just doesnt feel as solid and satisfing.
