Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The LFPA Fall Student Art Show

This was an unplanned art show. This year I only taught the Junior High and High School Art class. In passed years I always had the elementary and they always comprised the mail body of our art shows. Only a hand full of Junior High and High School students would enter art work. They also had been struggling in technical skill and so the number of show worthy pieces was always low although, we never excluded anyone from participating. Because I didn't have the elementary to participate in the show I decided that we would only have an end of the year art show to give the students enough time to put enough work together. However, to my surprise, the art that the students produced was of a much higher quality and I they began asking me for an art show instead of me just telling them that they were going to participate in an art show. The ceramics students were also asking for an art show so, we had an art show. I am quite proud of their progress and am excited to see what they will create this next semester.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted this. I wanted to attend the art show to see what your students are doing but couldn't so I am glad to be able to see it anyway. It looks like your students are really making progress. That's so cool!
