I guess I will start this blog as so many others have by saying that it's about time I start this blog. It's my goal to use this blog as a sort of on-line digital sketchbook complete with images of sketches, new works that I have completed, things that inspire me, projects I am curently woking on, and things within the art comunnity in which I am involved. I can't say that I will post something everyday but, it will encourage me to to be activly aware of what I am completeing and keeping this and my work up to date. I want to first make note that I am not a writer. I am a visual artist. So while I may be writing posts on this site, please to not look for correct grammer or spelling; niether one are my forte.
And now to include a little bit about myself. I grew up in what seemed to a young girl, most of the continental U.S. which included New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Alabama, and Arizona. You would be suprised the aray of cultures that exist in the United States. In 2008 I graduted from Brigham Young Universty with a Bachelor in Studio Arts. I quickly found that full time well paid jobs for artists were just about nonexistant right out of college. So, I moved to Chandler Arizona and met my amazing husband Alan (A.J.) Wellard and found a job working for Chandler School District as a bus driver. While this was a job that taught my alot, it was not my dream job. I am now however, working for the Learning Foundation and Performing Arts Charter School of Gilbert as thier bus driver and Art Teacher. I have been involved in many art shows around the valley and enjoy doing commissions and murals for people and, am currently working with local Gilbert Artist George Lenz to organize an Art Walk for Gilbert.
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