Saturday, February 2, 2013

Of Shadows and Puppets

My adventures through the land of photography took me to the school were I work. Every Friday I teach the elementary students art and our project this month has taken us into the realm of shadow puppets. We began our adventure by learning how to make shadow puppets with our hands. Some students as you can see did quite well. The students had so much fun with this that if you yourself are an art teacher, I definitely recommend this activity. The students are currently in the process of creating shadow puppets cut from black paper. They then are going to perform a puppet show for their class mates. I will later post a video of the best performance.


  1. That is such a cool idea. What a fun job!

  2. Marlene, you are an exceptional artist. I always knew you would be. I am proud to say that I know you.

    1. Thanks so much Emily. I really appreciate that you visit my blog.
